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Reunion Weekend Activities Survey

Reunion Weekend Activities Survey

The reunion committee would love your feedback and ideas regarding additional events or activities to consider for the 50th reunion weekend (Friday - Sunday, September 14 - 16, 2018). Although we especially wish to hear from classmates who are not participating on the committee, those who are should feel free to complete the survey as well.

Your individual response to the survey is completely confidential as to the source of the response and comments. That is, a running tally of survey results and comments will be available for viewing by anyone who registers on the web site, but no one's individual response will be available. Thus, everyone will be able to see what you say, but no classmate will be able to tell who said it.

Please take a moment to give us your feedback. Completing the survey will take no more than five to ten minutes.

You must be registered on the website to participate in the survey. Please log in to the website and answer the questions.  You can't submit a survey response until you've logged in. At the end of the survey, please press the “Submit “ button. Thanks very much. 

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

1)   In addition to currently planned events -- the Friday night get-together at Timbers Bar & Grill, the Saturday night gathering at the Hellenic Banquet Center, and the golf outing on Saturday at the Saw Mill golf course -- please tell us what other activities you would like to see.

Check as many as are of potential interest to you.
2)   For the events/activities you listed in the question above, please tell us which of the days you'd like to see the event take place.

3)   Would you like to join the reunion committee?

If yes, the next question will provide a list of areas where you can help.
4)   If you would like to participate on the reunion committee, please check as many boxes as you'd like.

If you choose "Other," the next question allows you to specify what you mean.