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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 178
     Profile contains photos: 34
     In Memory: 74
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 71
     Military Service: 30
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 178    Newest Members: 178    Latest Comments: 86  

Rod Alles    
Randy Brown    
Gene Bruce   
Dale Carlton    
Dave Clunie    
Gary Davidson    
Dale Deibel    
Bob DeShazo    
Robert Doman    
Thomas Doran    
Gary Feit    
Rick Franz   
Bruce Gable    
William Gesch    
Mark Haenlein    
Brian Hassell     
Dennis Howay    
Jennean Kabat    
Grant Kile   
Greg Kretz   
Alan Kumm    
Karen Lum   
Tim Maher    
Anne Marble    
Dennis McMahan     
David Melcher    
Gary Meyer    
Alan Mumby   
David Nitz   
David North    
Thomas Novak    
Jon Ogawa   
Tom Pavlo   
Kelly Pugh   
James Reinig    
Hal Roth   
James Watz   

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